Goodstone is managed by Stephen Durr, an investor with 35 years’ experience in commercial real estate. In the previous 15 years he was responsible for raising $800 million of debt/equity capital, and the purchase and/or disposition of 4.3 million sq. ft…MORE>
Through selective acquisitions, hands-on execution, and timely disposition we strive to deliver compelling risk-adjusted returns. We conduct all transactions with absolute integrity and all partner communications with total candor…MORE>
Goodstone believes that value can only be created by active and comprehensive personal involvement, bringing our considerable experience, ingenuity and informed judgment to bear on every aspect of the acquisition — management — disposition process…MORE>
“I founded Goodstone because I believe first and foremost in creating value. Prosperity, professional fulfillment and contributions to the community all flow from the creation of that value. When value is created it guarantees that investors will be rewarded, that employees and partners will be treated fairly and with respect, that tenants will be proud to work in our properties.”
— Stephen Durr, President